I am many things: collegiate tennis player, bookworm, corporate executive, editor, world traveler, mother, volunteer, and writer. I have a long list of identities and successes and failures and luck and misfortune and learnings in my life, which I detail in my debut memoir (see Work for more info).
I’ve done much writing and editing in my professional career. Now, in early middle age, I’m excited to be working as a creative writer. I love the unknown, and the struggle of figuring things out. I relish the process of filling a blank page with words that have a point and connect us. When I write, I think of you and I chatting over coffee. And hopefully, when you read what I write, you see yourself in my story.
A few random things about me: I like licorice, flameless candles, key lime pie, diffusers, caffeinated coffee in the morning, and decaffeinated tea in the evening. I don’t like loading or emptying the dishwasher, changing duvet covers, flossing, math, or cooked carrots. I’m not crazy about water either. I know, I know, I should drink more.
I love autumn, elephants, the mountains, music, table tennis, podcasts, stacked bracelets, eyelash curlers, bookstores, book clubs, and writing circles. Most importantly, I love watching my kids become who they are, and hope they always love themselves as much as I do.